Arthur Adamson
Player Profiles 2 of 28

2. Arthur Adamson

Full Name:Arthur Adamson
Playing Position (s):Left wing
Playing Years at Selby:Ist team 1967-1997.
Other teams:3rds-2007
Where are you now?Lockdown in Brayton
What did you enjoy about playing at Selby?The game, the social life and the camaraderie.
What did playing rugby teach you?Respect.
You need to take a road trip but must take 3 of your team mates with you. Who would they be?Mick Pearce, the Bear and Boo.
Who would still come with you, without question?Mick and Boo.
Who was the Selby dressing room joker?The Bear
Favourite player you’ve watched at Selby:Tony Ruckledge
Who would be first to the bar and last to leave?Dave Hatfield
Why Selby RUFC?The people.
Best match you’ve played in?Shield final 1982
Most memorable moment:Winning Shield in 1974 after 2 losing finals.
Funniest think you’ve seen on a rugby pitch:Tiny Leak in pursuit of someone who upset him.
Who/what do you miss the most?Playing.
Favourite quote or words of wisdom:Make the most of every opportunity. You can't turn back the clock.
Lockdown perception:Keep yourself occupied.