More Recent Player Profiles 28 of 29

28. Max Wotton

Full Name:Max Wotton
Playing Position:Tight head prop
Age you first played rugby:18
Previous Teams:Selby colts
Favourite FoodAnything fried
Favourite Band/SingerBlink-182
Favourite Holiday Destination”Maldives
Good Looking/Rich:Rich
Super Strength/Super Intelligence:Super Intelligence
Be invisible/Read Minds:Read Minds
You need to take a road trip but must take 3 of your team mates with you. Who would they be?Sean Campbell; Ash Parkinson; Duncan Hardy
Who would be banned from touching the car stereo?Liam Hogan
Who is the Selby dressing room joker?Ash Parkinson
Who can’t step away from the mirror?Tom Edwards
Most likely to get a yellow card?Liam Hogan
Favourite players you’ve watch at Selby?Alex Webster/Duncan Hardy
Why Selby RUFC?Father forces me to attend
Best Match you’ve played in?Old Brodleians
Most memorable moment?Challenging ash to a wrestle on a bus trip, and not loosing a tooth
Funniest thing you’ve seen on a rugby pitch?Tunners having a piss
Favourite quote or words of wisdom?If the government steals from Peter to pay Paul then Paul will always vote for the government.
What were you enjoying most about last season?The training and the supportive mentality the lads have.
How are you coping with lock down?Go running, helps pass the time especially if you’re shite at it.
What are you looking forward to?Going to uni knowing when I come back there’s a team attitude as supportive and enjoyable as selby.