Ellie Green
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17. Ellie Green

Full Name:Ellie Green
Playing Position:Number 8
Age you first played rugby:14
Previous Teams:Always played at Selby
Favourite FoodChinese takeaway
Favourite Band/SingerI liked Robbie Williams when I was younger and I enjoy listening to Stereophonics.
Favourite Holiday Destination”Benidorm
Good Looking/Rich:Good Looking
Super Strength/Super Intelligence:Super Intelligence
Be invisible/Read Minds:Read Minds
You need to take a road trip but must take 3 of your team mates with you. Who would they be?Isobel Stevens, Sarah Ridley and Louise Dawson
Who would be banned from touching the car stereo?Honor Ratcliffe (anyone who’s been to her party’s will understand)
Who is the Selby dressing room joker?Myself
Who can’t step away from the mirror?The Naylor twins always had to make sure their eyebrows looked okay
Most likely to get a yellow card?Definitely me
Favourite players you’ve watch at Selby?My Dad
Why Selby RUFC?Ive grown up in selby and wouldn’t want to play for anyone else
Best Match you’ve played in?Yorkshire cup final (although I was wearing a Castleford shirt)
Most memorable moment?Being the first women’s team to win at Pock 7s
Funniest thing you’ve seen on a rugby pitch?Either when the referee got floored by Jemma or when I was throwing my guts up after choking on my gumshield
Favourite quote or words of wisdom?Play your own game, just get that ball and run
What were you enjoying most about last season?After two hard years, finally having a full squad and being able to play matches. By having a full squad this has allowed me to play my position rather than having to drop the back row
How are you coping with lock down?Take advantage of your one form of exercise. Get out of the house. Don’t lock yourself away in your room, spend time with family. Make sure you check on those who you can’t see face to face
What are you looking forward to?I’m looking forward to being able to get back to normal, for sport to start again and to be able to leave the house