2nd XV
Sat 27 Jan 2024  ·  YRFU Championship
Selby RUFC
2nd XV
Tries: J Robinson (3), B Hodder (2), J Styrin, T GabelConversions: C Bramley (6)Sent Off: J TonksYellow Carded: A Cook
Keighley Stags
A perfect day for rugby at Sandhill Lane

A perfect day for rugby at Sandhill Lane

Selby RUFC30 Jan - 19:34
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Paul Gabel

Match day manager Andrew Elcock welcomed league rivals Keighley Stags to Selby RUFC. Giving a warm welcome to all supporters, officials and players is something that the club pride themselves on and in particular when Mr Elcock is in charge for the day with his beaming smile and firm handshake.

The pitches were in good condition considering the amount of rain Selby has had over the last few weeks and is still one of the best grounds in Yorkshire, for amateur rugby, and the players appreciate how much hard work goes into keeping them so.

During the warm up, you could sense an atmosphere of clam, determination and confidence in all the players, it was as if they were all tuned in to the same program and as part of the backroom staff, was a pleasure to be a part of.

The game started and from the first tackle it was game on! Keighley were a changed side from the previous meeting, where the game was mostly one sided, towards Selby, but this time was going to be a little different. The tackles by both teams would be meaningful and precise showing pride and determination for their club and teammates.

After 10 minutes Oliver Parsonage, the up and coming youngster took a knock to the jaw and had to retire for the rest of the game. Thomas Gabel came on as replacement and had his game of the season, slotting into the team as if nothing had changed which is testament to the coaching ethos of Head coach Jay Robinson.

Selby were able to open the scoring first with an enthusiastic phase of play resulting in James Robinson going over the line and Charlie Bramley securing the conversion. Robinson was on fire through out the game and, as with all the forwards, did not shy away from making and receiving the ferocious tackle being made by both sides.

During the next period of play, the Selby 2nds showed a good understanding of what was needed and a mix of phases to the backs and then forwards and backs again allowed Selby to retain the ball and eventually it was Ben Hodder who kept the scoreboard ticking over with a great finish leaving the score 12-0 after 20 minutes or so.

Keighley was always in the running and it was certainly no push over for Selby. Keighley always looked dangerous when they had the ball and were able to make the yards before Selby gained possession and counter attacked.

The confidence in the Selby side was showing, similar to the week before, don’t rush it, don’t force it and the game will play out in the home sides favour. This was seen when James Robinson scored his 2nd try on the 25 minute mark, once again his thirst for the ball and natural game play placed him in the right spot at the right time. His try was converted by C Bramley.

Keighley at this point had played a great game when they had the ball in hand but just missed out on the final pass or an extra step too far when carrying the ball and inevitably a turn over would allow Selby back in the game.

With 10 minutes to go until the half time whistle, Keighley were able to cross the line with a well deserved try which was converted but Selby quickly responded with some impressive backs play that would not be out of place in Selby 1st team allowing Ben Hodder to go over for his second try of the day, converted by C Bramley.

Tries were coming thick and fast in this period of the first half. Great forwards defence with the tackles still coming thick and fast from both sides and the crowd loving the tempo of the game and entertaining rugby on show. It was Keighley who would cross the line on the 43rd minute to leave the score at half time 26-12 to Selby

The second half opened with Selby gaining good possession and territory, with both forwards and backs in tandem and after a team effort, allowing Joe Styrin, to cross the line after only a few minutes. Converted by the talented C Bramley, whose boots were on form.

As Selby had started the second half with teamwork and more composure than Keighley, after the first score, it felt like the game was Selby’s to lose. Last season this would have been possible but this team and the atmosphere between the players you could see that this was not going to happen. The forwards shared the workload and the backs supported while always looking g to score when they had the ball in hand.

The try of the day came around 10 minutes into the half when Thomas Gabel decided to kick for territory just inside Selby’s 22. This did catch Keighley unaware when the ball ended up in their 22 in open space and Thomas was only a few meters away after his pacy chase, he tapped the ball through into the dead ball area with his light touch and was able to apply downward pressure to score a great try after beating several Keighley players. Its worth noting that several other Selby player were not far behind on the chase, again converted by C Bramley.

James Robinson was more than happy to score his 3rd try of the day and buy everyone a jug afterwards in the bar, as it was a fantastic phase of play which involved most of the team. This left the score 47-12 after C Bramley made the conversion.

As highlighted previously, the Selby team, in particular the forwards were having a great game, everything fell into place and it could even be said that if this team faced Selby 1st team. It would be a well contested game…

Having ferocious tackles from the start would ultimately be Selby’s downfall when the referee decide to Yellow card Adam Cook for an unfortunately times tackle and Josh Tonks a red card for a high tackle which was against the theme throughout the game, but still high.

Keighley took the advantage and were able to score two more tries before the final whistle, leaving the final score of 47-22 to Selby. Thanks should be given to the referee for allowing a great contest on the pitch and look forward in seeing him the next time at Selby RUFC.

Next week sees Selby 2nd team away at Goole for a 3 team showdown against these old rivals with the 1st and 3rds at Sandhill Lane.

The 3rds will KO at 1.00pm at the 1st XV at 2.15pm

Match details

Match date

Sat 27 Jan 2024




YRFU Championship

League position

Selby 2nd XV
Keighley Stags
Team overview
Further reading

Team Sponsors

Player Sponsor - La Zahurda
Player Sponsor - The Oakwood @ Ryther
Player Sponsor - Mr Quirkey's Turkey Jurkey
Player Sponsor - Talk Tonight Selby
Player Sponsor - Urban Colour Architects
Player Sponsor - Yuzu Street Food
Red Club Sponsor - PD Property Surveys
Kit Supplier - Kukri