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Selby RUFC21 Jan - 11:00
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Guinness Six Nations Predictor

With the Guinness 6 Nations just around the corner we are launching our very own Prediction Competition. Just £5 to enter, with the overall winner receiving a cash prize depending on how many entries!! If enough entrants there will be a weekly prize as well.

All you have to do is use your skill and judgement to predict the scores for each match. The differences between your predictions and the actual scores are counted, and the winner is the entrant with the lowest count of differences.

To enter either complete the online form: CLICK HERE or download the paper version (below) and hand in at the Clubhouse before 1st February.

You also need to make a £5 payment either ONLINE HERE or at the Clubhouse when you hand in your form.

Entries and payment must be received by Thursday 1st February and winners will be notified by Monday following the matches.

For more information email Karen on


6 Nations Predictor Form

Further reading